PAPER IO GAME TIPS Game - Tips for beginner to Survive

Paperio is the lastest news game to adopt the .io game philosophy after and It's been going down a storm on the App Store.
This is another massively multiplayer open arena game where you are to survive and grow. As you expand your little square's territory by forming squares from your trail. The other players attempting to run into your tail and you'll destroy them, removing them from the round for good. It's brutal stuff, and you'll probably die within ten seconds for your first few rounds. Here are some beginner's tips to help you get up to speed.

Play close to home early
You want to go out conquer terrory as soon as you spawn, you will sure die straight away. You are most vulnerable in these opening moments, when you are beginner and unaware of your surroundings.
To start with, then stay within your own territory and find a area for free of enemies - then start go out, extending your territory in small increments. The more territory you have, the easier it is to conquer safe areas without exposing yourself to danger.
This game is not a race
You need note that, it's not a race and you do not need to rush and doing so will lead to your elimination. You try to stay in the game and the things can will change quickly simply. You'll find that players at the top of the table will be eliminated, and all their gains will instantly disappear. So be patient.
Don't not be too greedy for the big one
You must patient and cautious to avoid going for "the big one" at all costs. You will easy be tempting when you see a vast expanse of free space to go for a mass land grab. But it's almost always a bad idea.
You are never that far from an opponent, regardless of your apparent isolation. If you set off in one direction, you can be assured that some person is going to stumble across your extended trail from the other and scrore an easy kill. Don't give them that opportunity.
